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Mattessons Fridge Raiders Interactive Free Running YouTube Game

Mattessons Fridge Raiders – the ideal snack fix for an active lifestyle. It’s high in protein and available in the quick-grab-food-on-the-go aisle in your local supermarket. Trust Your Primal Instinct. Make the next move.

Trust your Primal Instinct - Make the next move - As a free runner, getting from A-B is all about speed and creativity. So we let the viewer become the star of the video. Using interactive branching video technology you choose where our free runner goes and how he tackles each obstacle in his path. Combining first person viewpoints and instant feedback, the viewer feels like a member of the team.


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Batalla entre una manada de leones, una de búfalos y dos cocodrilos en un acuífero del parque nacional Kruger en Sudáfrica. Cuando la masa se une...nada puede el depredador. A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 crocodiles at a watering hole in South Africa's Kruger National Park while on safari. This video is copyrighted and cannot be used without the express permission of Jason Schlosberg or David Budzinski.